Earlier on this week I took a trip to our local garden centre to take a look at their CHRISTmas display. Wow was I in for a visual feast, so much so that today I went back with Mr J , Ariane and my camera.
Whitehall is a family run garden centre with there being just 2 in the chain!! Today the head of the family business was in at work, nothing interesting I here you say apart from the fact that she is a little 80 year old white haired lady. Quite easy to spot her amongst the green uniformed younger workers!!
At the entrance to the winter wonderland you are greeted by this display. The polar bears actually move. Very cute.
Then the rest of the displays are set up as room scenes or garden scenes for you to take inspiration from.Think I may have to paint my front door red for CHRISTmas.
Then the room scenes started !! Next to each scene they had shelves full of all the ornaments and more for you to achieve this in your own homes.
Each room or scene was named and every corner you turned there was a completely different look.
Shabby Chic
Oh ,to have a fire place in the dining room.
This was my favourite room and actually reminded me of a friend of mines house. You can check out her blog at chloescouture . I just love the chandelier.
They were using a glass beaded floral piece as their tree topper, looked amazing.
Then off to the garden displays.
Different shaped mirrors helped to make all of the displays look much fuller a great interiors tip.
Mirrors being used in the garden too.
Now for some bedroom decor. This was Arianes favorite.
A close up of the goodies that were on the dressing table which were for sale elsewhere in the store.
Now for the children's bedroom. There was also a pink bed in this scene but my camera was running out of batteries so we were limiting to one pic per scene from now on. Sorry for the quality on some of these pics I'm still not used to the way this camera works.
Another fab entrance way.
Another traditional scene to finish it off.
We will definitely making more trips to whitehall nearer to CHRISTmas to stock up on extra little bits of decor as you can never have to many CHRISTmas pieces, can you??
Hope you enjoyed the pictures and maybe got a little bit of inspiration.
God Bless You.xx